
80 Pins
DIY wooden texture stamps for kids - Mother Natured
DIY wooden Texture Stamps - Easy to make!
HDmall: Pengiriman Obat & Booking Klinik | HDmall
Instagram photo by @kiringostamp via
Julie B Booth
"Orange Circles" fabric, second printed layer by Julie B Booth: I printed with a battery! One of the pre-order giveaway fabrics for my upcoming book, Fabric Printing at Home. For more info about the giveaway:
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Handcarved Dog Stamp on Etsy, £6.68
Wood Block Stamp, Tjaps, Indian Wood Stamp, Pottery Stamp, Textile Stamp, Printing Stamp Abstract Triangular Form - Etsy Italia
Wood Block Stamp, Tjaps, Indian Wood Stamp, Pottery Stamp, Textile Stamp, Printing Stamp -Abstract Triangular Form
Logos, Logo Ideas, and Logo Marks image inspiration on Designspiration
Utah tattoo idea-- I'm not from Utah but the mountains could be changed to a city skyline and the snowflake to a sun ^.^ #symbol
Printing Type, Cuts & Printing Blocks for sale | eBay
Paisley Wooden Hand Carved Textile Printing Stamp
NameBright - Coming Soon
Andrea Lauren (@inkprintrepeat) | Friday morning carving and printing this handcarved windmill two-color block print!
Building blocks
A block printing business in India that also use a natural dye made from raisins.
my very first handcarved stamp!
stempel vogeltje DIY