
9 Pins
Sweeping Arpeggio Workout: Navigating Chord Changes
So you’ve spent time learning some arpeggio shapes. Now what? Arpeggios are a great musical tool that allow you to make melodic statements using harmonic (chordal) information. When playing over chord changes, using arpeggios is the quickest way to navigate your way around them.
Blues Progression Exercise: minor blues scale
Blues Progression Exercise: minor blues scale | Discover Guitar Online, Learn to Play Guitar
Basic Jazz Guitar Chord Chart
Jazz guitar can be referred to as a small genre of mixed music, consisting of swing and blues with improvised chord progressions. The origin...
Effect Loops
[ padding=”0 20px 0 20px”] The effects loop allows you to include your amp’s natural overdrive into the sounds created by your delay and modulation effects. […]
Come costruire gli Accordi sulla Chitarra - Luca Ricatti
Costruire gli accordi sulla Chitarra title=