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Pasta pomodorini e gamberi: un'accoppiata da massimo dei voti! 🍤🍅 | E' a pieno titolo uno dei primi che conquistano ad occhi chiusi per semplicità e bontà!😋😋 Quanti piatti prepariamo per questa pasta pomodorini e... | By Giallozafferano | Let’s start with the tomatoes I cut them in half for a long squeeze a clove of garlic and let it simmer in a pan. I add the pepper and let it taste towards the tomatoes, raise the flame and let it simmer well until they release a good hint. The tomatoes are ready . Put garlic and pepper away and transfer them to a bowl. I season with a pinch of salt, chopped basil leaves and keep them aside. Let's switch to shrimp cleaning. Away the Te Away the shell with a knife we stab the back and remove the inner wire. Clean prawns we cut them to centimeter tiny. In the same pan as tomatoes, the shrimp are roasted. Rule of salt. Combining tomatoes and putting out the fire. Water is bubbling. I can dive for trophies. Perfect baking. Skulls in a frying pan. Let’s add tomato concentrate to a boiling water blend and adding butter floss oil for good. Finishing the dish with black pepper, fresh minced parsley and lemon zest. And now we taste it. Show. Friends from GZ today we cook together a lovely creamy first dish that smells of the sea. A pot full of joy and Mediterranean flavors will cherish today’s recipe. Pasta, potatoes and mussels. Are you ready? Via. I must confess to you my unconditional love for first dishes. Gricia pasta, pasta and beans, pasta and potatoes. The element that accompanies most of these recipes is how the pasta is cooked. That is raw risotto together with the seasoning. But we go with order. We had to clean the mussels first. Guà che belle. I remove the kiss and with the help of a knife I remove impurities. We are moving to the stove. Let's make a nice garlic pepper smoothie. I keep the pepper seeds. But if you don't like it too spicy you can easily get rid of them. A nice oil spin in the pan. I add chopped garlic and pepper and now it's mussels time. I add a mix of water and cover with a lid. I lengthened the mussels cooking liquid because with this bottom we'll be cooking the potatoes later. The mussels are ready, I season with minced parsley and keep them aside. I can shred the scallion. In a casserole towards a round of oil and I add the scallion. Touch the potatoes. I'll peel them off. And big cubes are like that. Joining them in a casserole. Now with the help of a pin filter the mussels liquid. Right over the potatoes. Letting them bake on medium heat until nice and soft. The potatoes look so ready to me. I can pour the tomato paste and combine the pasta. I can start with risotto. In this way. Headed to the water till cover. And just like with risotto, whenever the pasta needs water, I will pour a mixture of it. This way all the pasta starchs will be imprisoned in a casserole, giving life to that cream that guys I season with salt, pepper and perfume with basil leaves. Looks like the pasta is cooked. Lemme have a taste. At the perfect tooth. Makes a pepper scratch. There and I add the mussels that I have in the meantime peeled a last stir fry and we can already flatten a round of oil. A nice pepper scratch. And some basil leaves. It's a good meal, poor man. Why is he not so poor eh. The try-out ? Then you immediately feel the mussel. Basil and my favorite aromatic herb but the great thing about this dish is the cream it creates. Try it with a very normal garlic paste, oil and pepper. Spaghetti risotto or any kind of pasta. You want to use then you will understand why. Thus results the pasta. See you next time.
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Tagliatelle con asparagi, calamari e gamberi | Habemus Fame
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