
593 Pins
Bumblebee by Linkineos on DeviantArt
Bumblebee by pollinators. Now that they are Endangered, how beautiful the miracle of a bee is.
"rob webb": Search Results | National Geographic Creative
1415261. Honey bee drinking nectar from a Forget-me-not flower, in a garden in the UK.
"Those who are caught up in the busy life have neither the time nor quiet to come to understand themselves and their goals. Since the opportunity for inward attention hardly ever comes, many people have not heard from themselves for a long, long, time. Those who are always 'on the run' never meet anyone any more, not even themselves." Robert Banks
| Call A1 Bee Specialists in Bloomfield Hills, MI today at (248) 467-4849 to schedule an appointment if you've got a stinging insect problem around your house or place of business! You can also visit!
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What 's to Bee a Natural Workaholic !... Samissomar ©
HONEYBEE — European honey bee (Apis mellifera). The genus Apis is Latin for "bee" & mellifera comes from Latin melli- "honey" & ferre "to bear" — hence the scientific name means "honey-bearing bee". The name was coined in 1758 by Carolus Linnaeus who, upon realizing the bees do not bear honey, but nectar, tried later to correct it to Apis mellifica ("honey-making bee"). However, according to the rules of synonymy in zoological nomenclature, the older name has precedence. ❤❤❤ I love honeybees!!
Bee Beautiful by Michael Moriarty
Bee Beautiful, Rio Rancho New Mexico
Fly zone by Fabrizio Contu / 500px
bee .. pintwist on bee sting to stingray
Honey Bee collecting cream-colored pollen from a Christmas Palm stashes it on his hind leg
Honey Bee on wild Rose | Call A1 Bee Specialists in Bloomfield Hills, MI today at (248) 467-4849 to schedule an appointment if you've got a stinging insect problem around your house or place of business! You can also visit!