
456 Pins
Quandofuoripiove: un mostro a pezzi: il gioco fai-da-te con forbici, nastro adesivo e... una benda! Pin the face on the monster! #kids #indoor
Creazioni con i sassi!
Family; famiglia sul ramo; sassi e tempera su legno.
Creative Kandinsky for Kids Art Project - Crafty Kids at Home
Famous artists for kids. Invite your child to look at a famous work of art and then set them the challenge of creating their own mini master piece. Make a start with our Kandinsky for Kids Lines and Circles Art Activity.
DIY Octopus Costume for Babies
Octopus costume ... I don't have a baby, or one on the way, but this is too stinking cute not to share!
Jolie composition murale pour chambre d'enfant, tons neutres | shelves for kid's roon, Neutral shades | mommo design: SHELFIE LOVE