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JK Dynamic Identity
+ use of colour and humour to engage viewer. angled letters suggest fun. dynamic element in the tittle above the 'j' - could hold various icons. - maybe too colourful for me, I prefer something a bit more refined, less obvious. Childlike - not me. i - room for dynamic elements without relying on using letterforms as containers. How would this work in black and white? Would the whole background have to be the same as the background colour?
Impariamo le forme
Occorrente: bastoncini e colori (pennarelli,tempere.Beh scegliete voi) di 4 colori diversi.Procedimento:Assemblate i bastoncini a parallepipedo (vedi foto).Mamma,papà,maestra,ecc disegnano una forma.A quel punto mischiateli e il bambino/a dovrà assemblarli correttamente grazie alla ☆LOGICA☆