La Stagione 16-17 di Emilia Romagna Teatro

La Stagione 16-17 di Emilia Romagna Teatro
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two men and one woman are standing on stage
“DELITTO E CASTIGO” #emiliaromagnateatro #produzione #ERT #modena #teatrostorchi #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #DelittoECastigo #FedorDostoevskij #regia #KonstantinBogomolov #Primassoluta foto #LucaDelPia
four people are sitting in chairs and playing instruments on stage with one person standing behind them
“EMIGRANT - CANTI DAL FRIULI” #emiliaromagnateatro #produzione #ERT #modena #teatrodellepassioni #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #canzoni di #GiorgioFerigo #testi di #NadiaFabrizio #regia #DominiquePitoiset #musiche #PovolarEnsemble #Friuli #Emigrant #canti foto #LucaDelPia
two men sitting on top of an old fashioned carriage in the middle of a dark room
“CRISI - La pratica è perfetta” #emiliaromagnateatro #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #StefanoPesce #DiegoRibon #GabrieleTesauri #NoveTeatro #PrimaNazionale #Crisi #lavoro #opportunità #ostacolo foto #ManuelaPellegrini
a man in black is cleaning the floor with a mop and some cloths
“LA DEMOCRAZIA IN AMERICA” #emiliaromagnateatro #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #LaDemocraziainAmerica #RomeoCastellucci #Societas #AlexisdeTocqueville #democracy #america foto #GuidoMencari
three women sitting on the floor in front of a black background
" PENSANDO!…PESSOA" #emiliaromagnateatro #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #Pessoa #IlMarinaio #Teatrodei25 #AgatinoDiMartino foto #AnnaMaura
three women standing next to each other in front of a black background wearing short shorts
"IL CONTOURING PERFETTO - I Contorni Ideali in cui Vivere" #emiliaromagnateatro #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #Contouring #FrancescaMerli #RiccardoBaudino #ZoePernici #ElenaBoillat #BarbaraMattavelli #Domesticalchimia
two people standing next to each other on a stage
"UN AMORE ESEMPLARE" #emiliaromagnateatro #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #UnAmoreEsemplare #DanielPennac #FlorenceCestac #ClaraBauer #MassimilianoBarbini #LudovicaTinghi #amore #esemplare #francia
a man sitting on the ground in front of a large screen with images behind him
"HIKIKOMORI - Metamorfosi di una generazione, in silenzio" #emiliaromagnateatro #bologna #arenadelsole #stagione20162017 #theatre #Hikikomori di #HolgerSchober con #GianMarcoPellecchia #LauraCleri #VincenzoPicone #isolamento #ragazzi #internet foto #MicheleLamanna
three men and one woman are standing in front of a door with the man's coat on
"IL PREZZO" #emiliaromagnateatro #modena #TeatroStorchi #stagione20162017 #theatre #stage #IlPrezzo #ThePrice #ArthurMiller #MassimoPopolizio #UmbertoOrsini #AlviaReale #EliaSchilton #CompagniaOrsini
three people standing in front of a cross on stage with other people sitting around it
"DOPO LA TEMPESTA - L’opera segreta di Shakespeare" #emiliaromagnateatro #modena #TeatroStorchi #stagione20162017 #theatre #stage #Armando Punzo #CompagniadellaFortezza #DopoLaTempesta #opera #segreta #Shakespeare foto #StefanoVaja
three men are performing on stage in the dark with their hands behind their back legs
“SLEEP TECHNIQUE” #emiliaromagnateatro #modena #TeatrodellePassioni #stagione20162017 #theatre #stage #musica #danza #SleepTechnique #DeweyDell #AgataCastellucci #DemetrioCastellucci #TeodoraCastellucci #EugenioResta foto #JohnNguyen
two men standing on a stage playing guitars
“LA BALLATA DAL CARCERE DI READING” #emiliaromagnateatro #modena #TeatrodellePassioni #stagione20162017 #theatre #stage #musica #canto #Ballata #carcere #reading #OscarWilde #UmbertoOrsini # GiovannaMarini #ElioDeCapitani foto #AlessandraMerisio
a man is sitting in the water with his head down
“THYSSEN” #emiliaromagnateatro #modena #TeatrodellePassioni #stagione20162017 #theatre #stage #Thyssem #CarolinaBalucani #MarcoPlini foto #LorenzoPorrazzini
a woman sitting on the floor next to a tall pole with lights hanging from it
“MA” #emiliaromagnateatro #modena #TeatrodellePassioni #stagione20162017 #theatre #stage #MA #AntonioLatella #CandidaNieri #LindaDalisi foto #BrunellaGiolivo
a man standing in front of a red curtain wearing a white suit and purple flower
“CARO GEORGE” #emiliaromagnateatro #modena #TeatrodellePassioni #stagione20162017 #theatre #stage #CaroGeorge #FrancisBacon #George #AntonioLatella #GiovanniFranzoni #FedericoBellini foto #BrunellaGioliv