
332 Pins
Approfittane Ora! | Non vedi l'ora di avviare la tua carriera nel mondo creativo o di specializzarti in un campo che ti appassiona? È il momento giusto per iniziare il tuo... | By IED - Istituto Europeo di Design | Facebook
13K views · 1.2K reactions | Осенний дворик 🍂❤️ В нашем телеграмме видео с поделками, переходите, подписывайтесь, ссылка в сторис 🔥 | Поделки Идеи своими руками
354K views · 19K reactions | Envelope House Advent Calendar with HABA 🏠🌲 After receiving this beautiful nativity scene from @habausa I knew I wanted to make an advent calendar for the girls with each surprise being a piece of this nativity scene! The nativity scene is stunning, but can also be played with to help the girls learn and tell the story of Christmas. To make these envelope houses, I folded a piece of cardstock paper in half and cut the top at an angle to create a roof line. Then I folded in each side, added a little tape to the bottom, and folded the paper up to the bottom of the roof. Rosie and I painted the houses and glued them to a large sheet of painted cardboard. In each envelope I tucked a part of the nativity! Find this nativity scene and many other amazing HABA toys by visiting the 🔗 in my bio! #HABAToys #HABAUSA #papercrafts #kidcraft #easycrafts #christmascrafts #holidaygifts | Jen Buchheit
990K views · 7.7K reactions | Basta poco per realizzare uno gnomo autunnale fai da te 😍 | Basta poco per realizzare uno gnomo autunnale fai da te 😍 | By Arredare | Facebook
671K views · 5.6K reactions | Cartel corazón para darle el espíritu Navideño a tu casa 🎄 #navidad | Cartel corazón para darle el espíritu Navideño a tu casa 🎄 #navidad | By Likigail | Su and
55K views · 1.1K reactions | #trabajosmanuales #bricolaje #decoracion #ecoarte #manualidades #creatividad #reciclaje | Decora tu mismo
2K views · 10K reactions | #انشطة_اطفال #viral #kidsactivities #braingym #braingames #activityforkids #timetoplay #gamesforkids #activityforkids #kidsactivity #bébé #baby #حامل #حوامل #حمل #أمومة #أم #ام #fyp #أنشطة #تمارين_الذكاء #طفلي #أمهات #وصفات_اطفال #رضيع #أمومة #حامل #حوامل #حمل #نشاط_تعليمي #نشاط_طفلي #نشاطات #kids #maman #baby #newborn | hassan_lina_tv
230K views · 5.1K reactions | Ciao! Buongiorno ❤️❤️❤️ | By Cuci o incolla by Creativemamy | Facebook
91K views · 22K reactions | 🌲Aliando DIY e sustentabilidade, a árvore de Natal de papelão é uma dica incrível para sua decoração de fim de ano. Molde disponível no E-book de Natal, link na bio. 🎅Muito fácil de fazer, fica linda, você pode fazer vários tamanhos diferentes e mudar as cores tbm e tem um ótimo custo benefício! 📍Material: 🔸️Papelão 🔸️Tecido da sua preferência 🔸️Cola branca 👉Material disponível na @malibupapelariaearmarinho 😃Me conta aqui o que achou dessa ideia que eu vou amar saber! 👉Já compartilha com um amigo(a) que vc sabe que vai amar tbm. #merrychristmas #diy #dicasdefestas #diynatalino #decoracaodenatal #feliznavidad | Zayra Barros
359K views · 5.6K reactions | 1739599449 446228651 999681764342101 6030545481619917028 n | 👉 Телеграм канал для майстринь, там багато творчих ідей та майстер класів❣️ #діти #україна #kids #ukraine #дети #іграшки... | By Творчі ручки | Facebook