
389 Pins
11 of the most expensive yachts in the world: PHOTOS
$200 MILLION: Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen owns a 414-foot yacht dubbed the Octopus. It has 41 suites and cost a whopping $200 million to build. The Octopus comes with a pool, two helicopters, and a movie theater. If that's not enough, there's also a basketball court and recording studio.
A 3-1 Backpack / Bag For All Your Adventures
WAYKS has developed the ultimate modular backpack. The perfect bag for traveling, hiking, photography, camping, city trips, commuting, and so much more! Sustainably produced and built to last. Learn more at
Bicycle Art: A proposal for the Russian Olympic Team | The Spoken
Despite appearances, this is not actually a bike. It’s a piece by an artist named Daniel Bragin, who was born in Moscow but lives and works in London and Amsterdam. The correct title of the work is ‘Proposal for Russian Olympic Cycling Team 1992’, a statement about the New, emerging Russia. So no, it’s not…
The Bridge of Immortals, Huangshan, China
bridge of the immortals, huangshan, china More information Tourism Navarra Spain: ☛ ➦ Más Información del Turismo de Navarra España: ☛ #NaturalezaViva #TurismoRural ➦ ➦ www.nacederourede... ☛ ➦ mundoturismorural... ☛ ➦ www.casaruralnava... ☛ ➦ navarraturismoyna... ☛ ➦ www.parquenatural... ☛ ➦ nacedero-rio-ured...
La Mamounia · Palace de Luxe Marrakech, Maroc · OFFICIEL
Come and take a stroll in the park at La Mamounia, a palace in the Medina of Marrakesh
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