
85 Pins
Particolare del grande mosaico pavimentale con fauna marina e nave (III sec.d.C.) - scoperto nel 1996 a Lod, l'antica Lydda, distrutta dai romani durante la guerra giudaica nell 66 d.C. ricostruita da Adriano nel II sec. e rasa al suolo dagli arabi nel 636 -
iconography – Art and Faith
01 Anonymous. Christ Walks on the Water. Duomo di Monreale. Monreale (Sicily) (IT)
iconography – Art and Faith
01 Anonymous. Christ Walks on the Water. Duomo di Monreale. Monreale (Sicily) (IT)
Maestro del Bigallo - Wikipedia
Maestro del Bigallo - Madonna col Bambino - 1215-1220 - Fiesole, Cattedrale di San Romolo
a little bit of this and a little bit of that
a little bit of this and a little bit of that — shepherd in Romania mpdrolet: Horatiu Sava
Byzantine treasures of San Marco - a photo on Flickriver
Byzantine chalice - gold, rock crystal, enamel and pearls - Treasury of San…
Egyptian-Roman Lady Mummy Portrait Poster by Ben Morales-Correa
A well-to-do woman, Romano-Egyptian, 2nd to early 3rd century AD/CE.