
21 Pins
Robert Temple's book The Sphinx Mystery suggests that the Great Sphinx was originally carved to be Anubis. It was modified during the Middle Kingdom to resemble a Middle Kingdom king.
Solar System Dwarf Planets and Moons Stock Vector - Illustration of callisto, poster: 59020205
Solar System Dwarf Planets And Moons - Download From Over 67 Million High Quality Stock Photos, Images, Vectors. Sign up for FREE today. Image: 59020205
HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS! I'm sorry I disappear in the past weeks but I spent the holidays with my family and I didn't have a good internet connection. I'm back baby! #bujo #bulletjournal #echybujo
L'Antro: Wicca, Magia Nera, Magia rossa, Magia Bianca, Esoterismo, Divinazione, Sogni...
L'antro della magia: Wicca, Magia Nera, Magia rossa, Magia Bianca, Esoterismo, Divinazione, Sogni...
The Topkapi Scroll Gate
Muqarnas schematic drawings from the Topkapi Scroll, late 15th - 16th century Iran
geometría sagrada - sólidos platónicos” - Ciencia y edu...
geometría sagrada - sólidos platónicos” - Taringa!
geometría sagrada - sólidos platónicos” - Ciencia y edu...
geometría sagrada - sólidos platónicos” - Taringa!
As the most significant of all the symbols in sacred geometry, the Flower of Life is encoded with the blue-print for all creation; containing within it the proportions of every single aspect of life there is. Four yantra banner includes the symbols: flower of life, metatrons cube, sahashara and sri yantra.
Nikola Tesla, il segreto dell’antigravità sfruttando la potenza dell’Universo
Nikola Tesla, il segreto dell'antigravità sfruttando la potenza dell'Universo