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Road with Cypresses, 1890 - Vincent van Gogh -
Road with Cypresses - Vincent van Gogh -
Vincent Van Gogh: il tragico epilogo di un genio | RestaurArs
Old Man in Sorrow (On the Threshold of Eternity), 1890 - Vincent van Gogh -
"Uomo Anziano nel Dispiacere"Vincent Van Gogh,1890. A differenza del quadro di Gauguin che ho aggiunto sotto,la composizione si distingue per l'uso simbolico dei colori,a cui l'artista attribuisce determinate sensazioni,e lo stile della pennellata,più disordinata e spessa,oltre all' uso sapiente della prospettiva. In comune,i due quadri hanno lo spessore dei contorni.
light my life
litvangogh: The Good Samaritan (after Delacroix) 1890 Vincent van Gogh
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Van Gogh Gallery
malinconie: “Vincent Van Gogh, Portrait of Dr. Gachet, 1890 ”
Vincent van Gogh | Our life is a pilgrim's progress | The Letters
Vincent van Gogh
Autoritratto fatto da Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh: Portrait of Camille Roulin, 1888. Created in Arles, France. Oil on canvas, 32.5 x 40.5 cm. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands. "But I have made portraits of a whole family, that of the postman whose head I had done previously - the man,his wife, the baby, the young boy, and the son of sixteen, all of them real characters and very French, though they look like Russians." (Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Theo, 4 December 1888, from Arles, France.)
Donna al Cafè Le Tambourin Vincent Van Gogh