hEDS, fibromyalgia, POTS

This board contains resources and life hacks for people struggling with chronic pain, chronic fatigue and related conditions such as POTS/dysautonomia and migraines.
210 Pins
Learning To Thrive In Spite Of The Fibro "Storm": My Top 3 Tips ~ Reclaiming HOPE
Although it's hard to narrow it down to just three, I share my top 3 tips for learning to thrive in spite of living with fibromyalgia. Continue reading
Chronic illness and the loss of self
Chronic illness and the loss of self identity
Call Me Sick Girl (Or How To Make Your Weakness Your Strength)
Many with chronic illnesses don't like to be identified by their sickness. Here's why I want people to know that I am, and how to turn it into a strength. Click to read or pin to save and share. ////////// Chronic Illness / Spoonies / Mental Health / Self Worth & Identity / Young Adults / Sickness #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Spoonies #perspective
A Chronic Illness, Health & Wellness Blog | A Chronic Voice
In this issue: Disability & chronic illness bloggers to follow for encouragement & awareness. Some upbeat, positive songs to help deal with chronic pain. Click to read or pin to save and share. ////////// Chronic Illness / Chronic Pain / Health News / Health Resources / Spoonies / Bloggers / Disability / Mental Health / Society & Humanity #ChronicIllness #TopHealthTweets #spoonie #ChronicPain #MentalHealth
Eating a Low-Residue-Mostly-Liquid Diet: What Can You Eat?
Eating a Low-Residue-Mostly-Liquid Diet: What Can You Eat?
Why Hard Work Doesn’t Pay Off in Chronic Illness: How to Stop Pushing Through Your Fatigue and Give Yourself Permission to Rest
Believing that “hard work pays off” is a social value, something we are all taught growing up. The impulse to push through when you actually should stop and recover can result in significant psychological and physical problems. Becoming aware of these internalized lessons can help us to re-balance work and life, and begin prioritizing rest and self-care.
Why You Should Use Social Media More If You Live With Chronic Illness
Find out how science says social media benefits people living with chronic illness, through providing connection, sharing your story and linking you to helpful resources.
Honoring Health Needs During the Holidays | Sara Russell NTP
If you know someone with a #chronicillness, read these tips for a happier celebration all around. #spoonies #fibromyalgia #eds #heds #zebras #autoimmune
How Chronic Illness Ruins Plans & Friendships - #schedule #chronicillness #chronicmigraine #plans #friendship #relationships #planner
How I Work Through My Anixety from my Chronic Illness and Being Immunosuppressed
How I Work Through My Anixety from my Chronic Illness and Being Immunosuppressed
Cancelling travel plans with a chronic illness - The Chronic Traveller
When should you cancel travel plans when you're suffering a flare of your chronic illness? What if you'll lose money? For DAY 12 of #Blogtober the Chronic Traveller muses on these questions and looks at the dark side of travelling with a chronic illness.