
46 Pins
Caravaggio: De geboorte van Christus
Caravaggio: De geboorte van Christus
Private Site
SAN GEROLAMO IN MEDITAZIONE. 1605 - 1606. olio su tela.
Baroque Art
Portrait of Fra Antionio Martelli, 1608, Caravaggio Size: 95.5x118.5 cm Medium: oil, canvas
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - Wikimedia Commons
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - madonna del rosario
Sito ufficiale del comune di Montale
Caravaggio, Maddalena addolorata
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio | David victorious over Goliath (1600) | Artsy
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, ‘David victorious over Goliath’, 1600, Art History 101 | Artsy
Caravaggio, particolare da Medusa
Road to Emmaus appearance - Wikipedia
CaravaggioEmmaus - Road to Emmaus appearance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia More
Saint Matthew and the Angel - Wikipedia
Saint Matthew and the Angel (1602).Caravaggio. Caravaggio, Saint Matthew, 1602 -- " he painted a picture of St Matthew, figure 15, with a bald head and bare, dusty feet, awkwardly gripping the huge volume, anxiously wrinkling his brow under the unaccustomed strain of writing. By his side he painted a youthful angel, who seems just to have arrived from on high, and who gently guides the labourer's hand as a teacher may do to a child."
Madonna Palafrenieri (detail) 1606, Caravaggio