Spiritual teachers

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THE SCIENCE OF THE SACRAMENTS by C.W. LEadbeater http://www.amazon.com/The-Science-Sacraments-C-W-Leadbeater/dp/0977146138
Mère e Sri Aurobindo
Mère - Mirra Alfassa (1878-1973) e Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950)i
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (Martinisme)
Isha Schwaller de Lubicz
Isha Schwaller de Lubicz (Esotérisme - Théosophie - Egyptologie)
Law of Attraction, Part 16: Annie Besant and the Maitreya
Law of Attraction, Part 16: Annie Besant and the Maitreya
The First Principles of Theosophy
The First Principles of Theosophy