Блюда из креветок.Shrimp dishes.

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Вкуснейшие креветки в соусе на сковороде 😍 Сохраняй рецепт, и удачи в приготовлении🤗 📝Ингредиенты: 🔪Королевские креветки 10 шт 🔪Масло Сливочное 80-100 гр 🔪Крахмал кукурузный 1 ст.л 🔪Чеснок 3 зуб 🔪Соль и перец по вкусу 🔪Сок лайма или лимона 1 ст.л 🔪Петрушка 1 ст.л 🔪Белое сухое вино 2 ст.л 📝На бульон: 🔪Панцири от креветок 🔪Лавровый лист 🔪Стебли петрушки 🔪Зеленый лук 📝Приготовление: ❇️Креветки размораживаем в холодной воде, очищаем от панциря и кишечника. Из панцирей отв...
Quick hot shrimp appetizer - incredibly tasty🦐😋👇 By @chef_dmitriy_official ✅ Support me with a comment and like❤️ 🔪Ingredients: 🦐Tiger Shrimp 🦐Butter: 40g 🦐Herbs (cilantro or parsley): a handful 🦐Salt, pepper 🦐Garlic: 3 cloves 🦐Parmesan: 30-40g (3/4 cup) 🦐Chili flakes (to serve) 🦐Mozzarella 🔪Preparation: 🦐Cut the shell of the shrimp but leave it on. Then, make a shallow cut in the meat almost to the end and flatten the shrimp. 🦐Mix the butter with herbs, spices, crushed garlic, and Parmesan. ...
Креветки на сковороде, которые захочется повторить не один раз 🤤 Сохраняй рецепт, и удачи в приготовлении🤗 📝Ингредиенты: 🔪 Креветка атлантическая 1 кг (полуфабрикат, отварная) 🔪 Чеснок 🧄 5 зуб 🔪 Острый перец 🌶️ 1/2 шт 🔪 Сливочное масло 100 гр 🔪 Оливковое масло 1 ст.л 🔪 Сушенный помидор 2 ч.л 🔪 Хмели сунели 2/3 ч.л 🔪 Соль 1 ч.л 🔪 Соевый соус 2 ст.л 🔪 Виски, Ром, Коньяк 2 ст.л 📝Приготовление: ❇️ Креветку размораживаем залив холодной водой, не нужно ее размораживать в холодил...
¡Gambones al horno! 🦐🎄 Resubida a SHORTS por petición popular… #youtubeshorts #receta
Langostinos crujientes con mayonesa de mango 🍤🥭 ¡Están brutales! #recetas #youtubeshorts
La Chica 👧 nos prepara "Huevos Turcos con Gambas" Paso a Paso Horno precalentado 180° -- 10 minutos | By Restaurante el Peñon | Facebook
101K views · 1.5K reactions | Joaquín con las Gambas | Joaquín con las Gambas y el Arroz 🍚 con Bogavante | By Restaurante el Peñon | Hiiii good after noon. What are you going to do? A ver. Ride it. Well, both of them are red from here, from this region, from our seas. And the stars. The quirks of Motriz. How beautiful they are. The tickles of the reeds this. It's typical around here. Very good. So you put them on what, you put salt in there, right? This way? Claro, claro. The salt of the bass, huh? The salt of bass. And what is this? They are irons. Hierro de hierro. They're hotter than iron, aren't they? And he's going to put it here with heavy focus. Mira, ves. That, like that. Let's see if we'll take it to the table like this. Joaquín. A board. But a board, yeah, but I don't know what else. Uy, Joaquín. Very good. And what's Majo doing here? This is rice like before. How tasty. This is the recipe the girl made already, before. The background is done by the girl. Claro, claro. Y'all getting ready for it. De to. Joaquín Very good. Joaquín No? This this is a rice with bogavante but it has more part. He's got more stuff right? Put the spoon down for him. And this is the body. Yeah put it in there do it like that This is to the body. Put it on. Ah. There there there there Now. What a past? How delicious. Sepia. Almeja. Papita. Very tasty. Perfecto. Joaquín de Mallorca you too? Sí. Mallorcan no? That's where the good ones are. Very good. That's why they come here. Claro. And good people come here. Wow what a great thing. How is Joaquín prepared warm and I don't know what conchuda is. All right, there it goes. Joaquín Sí. The shrimp are almost raw, right? Of course, it doesn't have to end, this keeps heating up. Alright this keeps heating up. Very good, Joaquín. How good you are. Me when I'm going to get paid. Very good Joaquín handsome. I want to. I'm taking this to Emilio. Also. You're not from Mallorca. Are you from ? No, no, de Mallorca. Nope, Mallorca I was. But you are from Barcelona. Very good. There she goes. How handsome. I want to. Juan? At table one. Arroz con bogavante. How good. She is mixed right there. Sí. Here we are going to offer this family rice with bogavante, right? My taste. Arroz con bogavante
53K views · 1.8K reactions | Langostinos a la espalda | ¿Qué os ha parecido la receta de langostinos de hoy? Comenta y comparte 🤗 La receta escrita aquí 👉... | By Karlos Arguiñano | Facebook
Креветки в сливочно чесночном соусе с сыром рецепт фото пошагово и видео
Креветки в чесночном соусе - незабываемый рецепт от шефа Бельковича | ПроСто кухня | YouTube-версия
5 RECETAS de LANGOSTINOS FÁCILES para TRIUNFAR en casa SIN repetir menú 😉
This may contain: a person reaching for food on top of a black plate
Креветки в сливочно-пармезанном соусе
Нам понадобится: Креветки 300 гр Чеснок 3-4 зуб Коньяк или виски 2 ст.л. Сок лимона 1 ст.л. Черный перец Сливки 33% 100 мл Пармезан 70 гр
명절 새우전 제발 꼬치 끼우지 마세요! 이거 알면 10배 맛있어집니다!! 최고의 비법 레시피. 💯 평생 써먹는 명절전 요리 만드는법.🥇 새우전 맛있게 만드는법. 애호박새우전