16 Pins
Mensola Stone in pietra grigia con lavabo integrato
La Mensola Stone in Mineralsolid è realizzabile su misura in lunghezza. È adatta per essere utilizzata in ambienti umidi e a contatto con l'acqua. Le staffe incluse nel prezzo.
HI-MACS® ilumina la nueva Cervecería Islia
The translucence of our solid surface materials allows you play with light in ways you've only dreamed of. And the interior design of Cerveceria islia provides a great illustration of this, with a bar countertop, tables, wall elements & washbasins made from HI-MACS®
Мокрое место: делаем ванную больше
Команда Квартблога исследовала маленькие ванные комнаты в типовых квартирах и выяснила, существует ли способ увеличить площадь ванной и сделать водные процедуры комфортнее.
Disight diseño arquitectura decoración de interiores
Extra long Corian sink combined with neutral tones Faucet on wall (no gross water guck forming around the base)
LX Hausys Europe
HI-MACS® launches its new collection of sinks and basins.
PAD creates facade for boat company headquarters using HI-MACS
PAD creates facade for boat company headquarters using HI-MACS