
14 Pins
Zazen. "Just sitting". Meditation posture. Many newbies start with one session per day for 20 minutes. Gradually, a second 20 minute session is added. Many long term practitioners work up to one session 1 hour per day. Zazen is the core of Zen practice.
Beaucoup de personnes sont perplexes quand on leur dit qu’il est primordial de s’enraciner si l’on veut s’élever haut aussi… L’expression « Avoir les pieds sur Terre » dénote bien l’importance d’êt...
Guardian statue of Nephthys, sister of Osiris, mourning the deceased Meret-it-es Egyptian 30th Dynasty to early Ptolemaic Dynasty 380-250 BCE
Guardian statue of Nephthys, sister of Osiris, mourning the deceased Meret-it-es Egyptian 30th Dynasty to early Ptolemaic Dynasty 380-250 BCE | Photographed at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri.
Zhan Zhuang - An Instruction for Taiji-Meditation
standing meditation (zhan zhuang)
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