Made in Italy Bonded Gold

Re.mida ha messo a punto una tecnologia proprietaria per la realizzazione del GoS ( Gold over Silver o Bonded o Gold Bonded ). Oro per l'esterno del gioiello ed Argento per l'anima del prodotto. La tecnologia GoS consente di realizzare gioielli 1/10 9 kt,1/10 14 kt,1/10 18 kt.
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Remida (an Italian surname which also translates as King Midas) is a company established in electroforming that in the last two years has developed an innovative proprietary process technology for the application of overlaying gold over silver (GoS), also named as Bonded.
Re.Mida is a leading european company for made in Italy Bonded Gold, Fantasy Bonded Gold, Carat Bonded Gold, Silver inside Gold, gold-bonded jewelry, jewellery Gold and Silver, Bonded Gold, 1/10 9 kt - 1/10 14 kt - 1/10 18 kt .
Our product is not to be confused with a cheap gold-plated work, not lasting in the time. We are dedicated to providing the best quality and enduring products to our valuable customers and we guarantee 1/20 gold by weight in our overlaying procedures, also certified for custom formalities
We chose gold as the metal of choice for the outer layer of the product since there is a lower risk of allergic reactions to users, it is highly resistant to oxidation and corrosion and, obviously, because of its durability and lasting value overtime . The base metal, silver, is a fantastic metal and bestows the product with its spirit and soul.
The unique product we offer features the combination of two precious metals common in jewelry: gold and silver