
Situated in the Gulf of Naeples is an island rich of attractions. It has a volcanic origin and is famous for its hot thermal sprigs. It 's also called the Green Island for its luxuriant vegetation. You will find many beautiful beaches where you can sunbathe and take beautiful baths. With your paths on Mount Epomeo is ideal for lovers of Trekking. Here we produce excellent wines. To describe this beautiful island in the Mediterranean are not enough words the only solution is to discover !
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Ischia, il turismo dell'isola diventa social
Остров Искья объединяется воедино путем хэштега #iloveischia. Найдете нас в Твиттере, Фейсбуке, Инстаграме, Тамблере путем написания слова "#iloveischia". Следуйте за нами!
#Forio d' #ischia al tramonto #Sunset in #Forio #ischia
#iloveischia #Bto Educational 27 e 28 marzo, a Ischia Sala Conferenze del Museo Diocesano di Ischia Ponte via Seminario, 26 Lezioni di Turismo giovedì 27 marzo dalle 14.45 alle 17.30 venerdì 28 marzo dalle 10.00 alle 17.30 con lunch break a km 0 ingresso GRATUITO, iscriviti online Il 27 e 28 marzo Federalberghi dell’Isola d’Ischia lancia #iloveischia, un logo/progetto che rappresenta l’amore degli operatori turistici ischitani per quest’isola.
Ischia: Eat, Drink and Whistle | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia
Sant'Angelo d'Ischia,
In the sea around Aragonese Castle, Italy, bubbles of CO2 rise from volcanic vents on the seafloor and dissolve to form carbonic acid. What shellfish still exist near them have paper-thin, see-through shells that are tragically fragile. This is what all the Earth's oceans are predicted to be like by 2100 thanks to manmade carbon imbalances. It's the next great oceanic extinction.