Temi Sacri

a painting of two women sitting next to each other
"Madonna indiana" olio su tela (40 x 50 cm)
an image of three people sitting in chairs with one holding a child and the other holding a cross
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Madonna con Santi - olio su tela (50x70 cm )
an image of the virgin mary and child jesus with flowers in front of a rock
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Madonna con Gesu' bambino (dipinto sul camino) - murales (60x100 cm)
a painting of a woman with her hands together
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Dolce Madonna - olio su tela (20x30 cm)
a painting of the virgin mary holding a child in her arms, with gold background
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Madonna con bambinello Gesu' - olio su tavola di legno (20x30 cm)
a painting of a man holding a white bird in his hands and wearing a brown robe
Quadri arte in temi sacri
San Francesco - olio su tela (25x25 cm)
an image of the virgin mary surrounded by angels on clouds with blue sky in background
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Incoronazione della Vergine - olio su tela (80x120 cm)
an image of jesus on the cross surrounded by angels
Quadri arte in temi sacri
La crocifissione di Gesu' - olio su tela (60x100 cm)
a painting of jesus ascending from the cross
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Resurrezione - olio su tela (70x100 cm)
an image of the last supper of jesus
Quadri arte in temi sacri
L'ultima cena con cagnolino - olio su tela (80x120 cm
the last supper is depicted in this painting
Quadri arte in temi sacri
L'ultima cena con angeli - olio su tela (80x120 cm)
an angel with red wings is shown in the painting above it's head and hands
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Angelo rosso - olio su tela (40x50 cm)
an image of the virgin mary with many angels around her and hands folded in prayer
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Madonna con angeli - olio su tela (35x35 cm)
an image of the virgin mary and child jesus with angels above her, on a red background
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Madonna rossa - olio su tela (35x35 cm )
an image of the virgin mary with angels above her and houses in the background,
Quadri arte in temi sacri
Madonna di Palazzago - olio su tavola di legno (60x100 cm)