Embroidery and Textiles

All about embroidery and textiles
31 Pins
The Beauty of Japanese Embroidery - Embroidery Patterns
Love this pattern #japaneseembroidery
Karam Hecho A Mano added a new photo... - Karam Hecho A Mano
(48) Karam Hecho A Mano ༺✿ƬⱤღ http://www.pinterest.com/teretegui/✿༻
We can flyの画像|エキサイトブログ (blog)
.From the blog: 'We can fly'. Patterns on dishcloth, from top to bottom: Cross Connection, Interlocking Circles, Wave Crest, Flower Turtle, Cross Flower Stab.
eyecatcher op een jasje... Foto geplaatst door wndy op Welke.nl
Ribbon Roses-so easy and beautiful-perfect on a summer t-shirt!
Stitching Sanity
pardalote: 今日はみどり 日中の疲労と晩からの作業は比例している 疲れるほど、無心で針がすすむ #fuge #embroidery #bird #刺繍 #とり by mayumikishino on Flickr.
Decorating with Ebroidered Wall Art
Vintage, unknown artist (from an estate sale) -- so contemporary and great colors and tree
The Washington Post
Hand embroidery is the latest comeback kid among traditional handiwork, but what crafters are doing with needle and thread transcends the alphabet and “Home Sweet Home” samplers of yesteryear.