
15 Pins
"Dark Ages", D&D e i Secoli Bui | Isola Illyon
“Dark Ages”, D&D e i Secoli Bui | Isola Illyon
As any cat owner will understand, cats enjoy looking down from the top of a door🤦🏼‍♀️
Johann Fanzoj Vierling: Four-Barreled Rifle-Shotgun
Johann Fanzoj Vierling Four-Barrelled Rifle-Shotgun (2)
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Colt Peacemaker. The most popular hand gun used back then. Everyone carried one around for protection. This is important to know what the guns back then looked like and how they worked. This link teaches us about the different guns back then and how they were used.
3132-z Sold ~ Rare Remington model 1890, single action revol
z Sold ~ Rare Remington model 1890, single action revolver, .44-40 caliber