
474 Pins
Follow the white rabbit – Famous Last Words
Follow the white rabbit - Follow the white rabbit - #backyardlandscapingideas #follow #frontyards #pathways #rabbit #retainingwalls #walkways #white
A Child Learns A Lesson From A Tree.
A small child wandered through the forest Looking for hope, hungry for a bit of faith That something existed bigger than her. She needed to find a reason for being. She leaned against a gian…
Old stairs
France (nice & thX for sharing, I love this photo)! I want to be there now!!!
Tunnel of Oaks
Tunnel of Oaks....I would probably never get a tattoo but if I did it would be of an oak tree.
Chemin de lumière
🇫🇷 Chemin de lumière // Road of light (Alsace, France) by Excalibur67 🍂cr.
grace(ful things)
Steps. (Acorn Properties (Jesmond) Ltd.)
Advokatas Algirdas Bauža
Kai ima atrodyti, kad tau niekas nesiseka, kad tu beveik žlugęs, atsigręžk į savo mirtį ir paklausk ar tai tiesa. Ir mirtis pasakys, kad tu klysti, kad viskas yra niekai išskyrus jos prisilietimą. - Carlos Castaneda -
Mystic ancient path by Juan Antonio Valiño García / 500px
Monfero, Spain - April 1, 2015: Old stone staircase on a trail through the woods, mossy and illuminated by faint sunlight.
Places to visit in the forests of the world
🇳🇱 Baarnse bos [Baarn woods] (Baarn, Netherlands) by Pascal Raymond Dorland cr.
A Weekend at Colorado Bend State Park - New Adventures In Life
Colorado Bend State Park...Texas State Park just 2 hours from Austin!!