
11 Pins
PaleoSystem - Nutrición Paleo. Fitness Sin Gluten y Sin Lácteos. Recetas Paleo * Paleo dieta
reciclado de botellas plásticas | Garrafas de plástico como macetas para lechugas
Bohnentagebuch - Projekt zur Pflanzenkunde an der Waldorfschule
Bohnentagebuch - Projekt zur Pflanzenkunde an der Waldorfschule
We did this in my kindergarten and the kids loved it! They were so surprised when the dried corn sprouted!
Make Your Own Garden
CD Garden DIY. Now that spring is finally here, we've been planting all sorts of seeds on our window sills. From tomatoes to cucumbers, our family has been watching our plants sprout and grow. When my kids wanted to get in on the action, we set up this easy CD garden using wheatgrass seeds. For Kids. Outdoors. Activities. Ideas. Spring. Gardening. Outside.