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Zeugma Mosaic Museum. Gaziantep, Turkey - Travel To Eat by Kurt Buzard MD
Detail. Oceanus and his Wife Tethus Mosaic. House of Oceanus, 2nd-3rd Century CE. Zeugma Mosaic Museum. Gaziantep, Turkey
MAGNIFICENT ROMAN MOSAIC REPRESENTING THE EUPHRATES. 2nd century AD. ~155 x 155 cm. ~160 kg. A very rare subject matter representing the river Euphrates holding grain ears signifying the river's significance to the grain harvest, with identifying inscription. Complete and original save for slight restoration of white tesserae above the head.
Mosaic: Roman Italy. Villa romana del Casale, Piazza Armerina, Sicilia
Fermeture de
Daphné poursuivie par Apollon IIe siècle. Musée de Rouen. Mosaïque retrouvé à Lillebonne. Normandie
The Bardo Museum is one of the best places (in the world) to go view beautiful mosaics, because so many of the ancient pieces are housed there. The building itself is something of an art piece: it was once the Bardo Palace. Now, it is a go-to location for those interested in viewing mosaics.
Roman mosaic: a bird, insect, and acanthus
Roman mosaic: a bird, insect, and acanthus by Roger B. Ulrich, via Flickr
***Mosaico de la bóveda del Mausoleo de Santa Constanza, Roma, s. IV. Los pájaros picoteando racimos o ramas con frutos aluden a la inmortalidad que se obtiene por el alimento eucarístico, igual que los putti vendimiadores.
Hugely excited to get the chance to see the mosaics at Sparta, Greece.
Mosaique - Musée archéologique du Bardo - Tunisie
Alegoría del Verano, mosaico romano, S. IV encontrado en la Villa Romana de las Tiendas que se encuentra situada a menos de 20 km. de Augusta Emerita (Mérida)
Stunningly fine mosaic work from the House of Dionysus on the Greek island of Delos. The tesserae in the face range in size from 1/2 mm to 1 mm! Estimated date of 125 BCE.