01_Arch / low budget / LO-FI

Creative Joinery Materials |⁠ Think outside the box with joinery finishes, whether for budget or creativity.⁠ ⁠ How good is image 1/2 painted OSB joinery? ⁠ ⁠ Images 1-5: ⁠ ⁠ OSB (oriented strand board) is a common building material that can be pimped up to be a textural joy! ⁠ ⁠ Image 6-9: ⁠ ⁠ Valchromat is essentially a solid colour MDF. An evolution of MDF!.⁠ ⁠ Designers Credited Below:⁠ ⁠ Image 1+2: @fowlerandward⁠ Photography: @gemmola⁠ ⁠ Image 3: @archier_⁠ Photography: @benhoskingphoto...
Awesome Interior Sliding Doors Ideas For Every Home | Engineering Discoveries
Awesome Interior Sliding Doors Ideas For Every Home | Engineering Discoveries
Drzwi przesuwne industrialne białe | RENOdrzwi
Drzwi przesuwne industrialne, wykonane z płyty OSB osadzonej w metalowej ramie. Całość kompozycji świetnie wygląda we wnętrzach loftowych.
studio Albori · Ristrutturazione di un fienile
studio albori / recupero di un fienile a Ispra, Varese / 2007-2010