
259 Pins
Nature Craft Projects & Educational Products That Teach Children About Nature
Great for budding nature detectives! Find out how to identify animals by their tracks - Play a game to find out who can knows the most wildlife. You could even create 'scout badges' for the best guesses!
Solar System Temperatures - NASA Science
This graphic shows the average temperatures of various destinations in our solar system.
Infinity Street
THE LEARNING ARK - Elementary Montessori : Infinity Street
Sensible Storage for Space
Kathy's Montessori Life: Sensible Storage for Space - lots of great ideas here
Quilted Mats
the 45 layout mat...helps the child organize this huge work and leads to a better visual experience of the patterns of numbers.
Montessori Addition / Place Value Mats pattern (at low cost) on
matematica-il circuito oper-attivo
Un divertente circuito grazie al quale consolidare alcune operazioni di addizione e sottrazione entro il attenzione alle penitenze!
Montessori Algebraic Pegboard - Square Roots
George Family - Montessori At Home: Montessori Algebraic Pegboard - Square Roots
107 Formation and Reading of Quantities Using the Decimal Board
107 Formation and Reading of Quantities Using the Decimal Board - YouTube
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Natural organic cotton canvas Math Mats precisely measured for Introductory work with Golden Bead Materials and Large Decimal Cards. These sturdy canvas cloths have been embroidered in organic gold thread to create a special backdrop for the childs early experiences with