
20 Pins
This may contain: a woman laying on the floor with her legs crossed and feet up in the air
💚💚The best exercises for FLABBY INNER THIGHS - do each for 40 seconds.
The best exercises for FLABBY INNER THIGHS - do each for 40 seconds. Save this workout and send it to a friend
This may contain: the woman is doing exercises for her stomach and butts in different positions, including sitting on a chair
Questo coach per la perdita di grasso spiega #perditadipeso #allenamenti #fitness #fitnesslife
This may contain: a woman squatting on the floor with her hands together
This may contain: a woman is doing yoga on a mat
Prova questa posizione 1 minuto al giorno prima di andare a dormire
This may contain: a woman is sitting on the floor with her arms crossed in front of her face
Eccoti i miei 5 MIGLIORI ESERCIZI con la banda elastica per RASSODARE GAMBE E GLUTEI