Lezioni di geometria

two handwritten notes on lined paper with writing
Semirette, retta, segmento
Semirette - retta - segmento Una retta è una linea che non ha né origine né fine prosegue all'infinito in tutte e due le direzioni...
a handwritten diagram with lines and angles
Semirette, retta, segmento
Semirette, retta, segmento
an alarm clock sitting on top of coins next to stacks of coins and trees in the background
Semirette, retta, segmento
Semirette, retta, segmento
a handwritten note with the words semrette and retta written in spanish
Semirette, retta, segmento
Semirette, retta, segmento
some lines are drawn on top of a piece of paper that has been written in pink ink
Semirette, retta, segmento
Semirette, retta, segmento
an animated man with a turban on his head
Semirette, retta, segmento
Semirette, retta, segmento
a handwritten note with the words semrette and retta written in spanish
Semirette, retta, segmento