Santi, Cristi, Angeli e Madonne

Modelli della produzione tradizionale dei laboratori di marmo di Pietrasanta che venivano tradotti in opera soprattutto fra la seconda metà dell'Ottocento e la prima metà del Novecento. Questi gessi fanno parte della Donazione Studio Lapis di Pietrasanta di Anat Golandsky e presto verranno esposti in una vetrina del Museo dei Bozzetti in S. Agostino.
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black and white photograph of statues of people
Modelli di repertorio donati dal laboratorio Studio Lapis di Pietrasanta
an angel statue with a bouquet of flowers in it's left hand, against a black background
Angelo con mazzo di fiori
a statue of an angel with its arms crossed
Angelo adoratore
an angel statue is shown in black and white with its wings spread out, holding flowers
Angelo con ghirlanda di fiori
a statue of the virgin mary holding a baby jesus in her arms, on a black background
Santa Chiara
a statue of jesus holding a lamb in front of a black background
San Giovanni Evangelista
a white statue with a black background
San Francesco Saverio
black and white photograph of the statue of jesus in front of a dark background,
San Giuseppe
a statue of jesus holding a child in his arms
San Cristoforo
black and white photograph of a statue of a man holding a bird in his hand
a statue of jesus holding a book in his hands and wearing a robe with the word jesus written on it
San Pietro
a black and white photo of a statue of a man with his hands folded over his chest
San Giovanni Bosco
a white statue with a black background
San Francesco
a statue of jesus holding a child in his arms
San Giuseppe con Bambino
three statues of people standing next to each other
Sacra Famiglia