708 Pins
Right things about Andrew Hussie. John, Rose, Dave, Jade, Jane, Jake, Dirk, Roxy, Sollux, Tavros, Karkat, Nepeta, Kanaya, Terezi, Vriska, Equius, Gamzee, Eridan, Feferi from #Homestuck
Roxy Lalonde - Homestuck - Image by Sunny (Ikimaru) #1243334 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Tags: Anime, Lipstick, Orange Background, Homestuck, Roxy Lalonde, Ikimaru, Black Lips
Meet Mister Fabulous
Thank you Dean Winchester<<< no. No gamzee. I was down with the clown damn it.
ComicsAlliance - Comic book culture, news, humor and commentary.
Porrim Maryam (Homestuck) cosplay, featured on Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) - 02.04.13
#aradiabot #homestuck #cosplay i forget this girl's name but shes the BEST aradia cosplayer imo
Kanaya by celestier on DeviantArt
Kanaya / I saw this pic before I got into Homestuck and was all 'Okay. Lipstick and a rose. She's girly." But now I snicker evilly at the irony of her completely innocent lipstick...