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My Kapha is sweeter than chocolate, steady as a heartbeat, and will love you like a rock. Find your unique dosha type at store.chopra.com
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My Vata is quicker than lightning, more creative than a magician, and moves like the wind. Find your unique dosha type at store.chopra.com
Meet Ganesha, the Hindu Lord of Success
Shop #EtchedWaterBottles at www.bottlensoul.com ‪#‎BottlenSoul‬ ‪#‎Water‬ ‪#‎Etched‬ ‪#Glass #‎Bottles‬ #7Chakras #Circles #CropsandCircles #CrownChakra #FlowerofLife #Ganesh #HeartChakra #LovenGratitude #Shibipo #StarsandTriangles #SwirlyCircles‬‬‬‬
Introduction to Ayurveda
Discover your constitution, then learn to balance yourself through diet and yoga