
Starting from a date I tell you a story about an artist, an emperor, a scientist and soon.
28 Pins
Mentre gli cavavano un un occhio dalla baracca uscivano le sue urla di dolore, a mala pena coperto dalle risate dentro e fuori la baracca.
December 27, 1932. The internal passport requirement blocks desperate escapes from the famine in Ukraine. Stalin decrees the genocide, the holodomor, 7 million deaths.
15th Sep. Agatha Christie was born in Torquay (UK)
Agatha Christie was born in Torquay. She will become the "Queen of Crime". Recurring characters of hers are Hercules Poirot and Miss Marple. It will sell 90 million copies.
Dr. August Hirt was born
January 14th 1954 Joe Di Maggio, baseball idol, and Marilyn Monroe just married!
the doctors' conspiracy
Stalin announces to the world the existence of the "doctors' conspiracy", his latest plan to exterminate real or imagined enemies, 2 million Soviet Jews. He dies before completing it.🇦
This pin is about Ade Lovelace, who in the XIX secle thought up algorithm for the calculator of Charles Babbage.