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Zingaro Nature Reserve | Sicily, Italy swam here and spent an awesome day with great friends
Dietro la facciata... ???
A very flat building - Palermo, Sicily | by Ruggero Poggianella Photostream ©, via Flickr
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Decadence - Palermo, Sicily #cheapaccomodationpalermo #sicily
Sicilian carts are a tradition. The panels are decorated with scenes of Sicilian history.
Best Italy Tour Packages - Tour Italy Now
Agrigento, Sicily - A ridge runs parallel to the sea and on this ridge rest one Greek temple after another. It is a truly amazing sight, matched only by walking the ruins themselves discovering the majesty of Ancient Greece.
Sandy beach - Scala dei Turchi - Sicily
Scala dei Turchi (a rocky cliff with an unusual white color formed by clay and limestone - Sicily, Italy.
Icaro, Valle dei Templi di Agrigento
Agrigento, Icaro, Sicily, Italy
Vista dal Promontorio
Vista dal Promontorio | Agrigento, Sicily - Great place to visit - What is the best place you have visited? Tell us on
Scala dei Turchi
Scala dei Turchi Sicily, Italy Photo by PeterJot on Flickr.
Cous cous di pesce alla trapanese
Il cous cous di pesce alla trapanese è un piatto d'influenza araba, tra i più apprezzati della cucina siciliana. Scopri la ricetta di Sale&Pepe.
Tempo libero: eventi, mostre, film. Cosa faccio oggi?
Favignana. Mare mare mare mare... altro posto incantato della Sicilia, ormai lontani ricordi...