[ P E N S I E R I ]

con le parole puoi... #words #thoughts #thinks #quotes #inspiring
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Non si capisce un cazzo - P.IVA ORDINARIA - 50x70 / Senza didascalia
👏Hai una p.iva? Il lavoro va a gonfie vele? Conosci il fisco italiano come le tue tasche? Puoi andartene. ☄️Il manifesto di oggi è dedicato a tutti coloro che passano la vita provando a capire quante tasse dovranno pagare l'anno dopo, qual è la differenza tra ires, irap e irpef, senza riuscirci e che soprattutto ancora si chiedono come mai i contributi che stanno versando, a volte sembrano servire per pagare la propria ipotetica futura pensione, mentre altre volte sembrano servire a pagare le p
Charlotte Grimmel on Instagram: "I don’t have to tell you that overthinking is KILLING your momentum. When you sit down to make a decision, you analyze it from 47 different angles, get 12 different opinions, and STILL end up exactly where you started. Here’s the truth: Your overthinking isn’t about lacking information or needing more clarity. 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 It’s about not trusting yourself to handle the outcome. Your brain thinks that if you just think about it a little longer, research it a little more, or wait until you feel “ready,” you’ll be safe from failure and discomfort. But no matter what you do, there WILL be uncertainty. Confidence and clarity don’t come from thinking. They come from taking action – even (and especially) when you’re uncertain. If you’re ready t
Pink Gin Cocktail Art Print
Pink Gin Cocktail Art Print, Available In sizes A4 and A3, Cocktail Print, Cocktail Illustration, Gin Art Print, Cocktail Poster.
The Ramble Journal
the only way out is through || inspirational quote || words to live by