Garage e attrezzi

14 Pins
You have a messy garage? So some clever storage ideas for storing your garden tools without spending a fortune. Make your own DIY Garden Tool Rack!
50 Brilliant Storage Ideas
50 Genius Storage Ideas (all very cheap and easy!) Great for organizing and small houses. ingenious!! But would I really make this?!!
An organized garage: Finding order from chaos - NewlyWoodwards
Amazing garage/workspace organization ideas!!! via Newly Woodwards -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspwoodblizzard Resources and Information.
DIY Cordless Drill Storage And Charging Station This wall-mounted cordless drill storage will help keep the entire workshop looking clean and organized. It also serves as the charging station so that items related to your cordless tools are always all in one place! If you don't have any wall space available anymore, you can incorporate this idea into an existing furniture/storage in your workshop!
How to Build Shelving in a Garage - Three Ways
2x4s and screws all you need to make this diy garage shelving