
406 Pins
5K views · 2.7K reactions | Perfetti per ogni occasione!!!!! Sono super FACILI e super VELOCI!!! ✅FIOCCHETTI DI SFOGLIA CON SPECK E SCAMORZA 👇 1 rotolo Pasta sfoglia rettangolare 9 fette scamorza 9 fette speck 9 gherigli di noci #food #rustici #natale #instagramreels | Silvia
84K views · 3.2K reactions | Crumble di mele #cucinaitaliana #italianfood #cucinaconruben #crumble | Cucina con Ruben
814K views · 6.2K reactions | Crostata della BABBAIOLA! 🍋 | Crostata della BABBAIOLA! 🍋 Se sei di Napoli è impossibile non conoscerla, una crostata con una profumatissima crema al limone con un aggiunta segreta…... | By PastryChef081 | Video recipe of baboon tart. If you’re from Naples it’s impossible not to know her. It is produced in a small laboratory in Posillipo but now we see how to prepare it in the homemade version. I will start the base with a very soft butter cream by mixing one hundred and fifty grams of butter together with one hundred and fifty gram of sugar, the grated peel of half a lemon and mix everything until you get a soft and lump-free compound. I also remind you that you can find the list with all the ingredients and grammar in the video description. I add three eggs at room temperature. Mix and then add four hundred and fifty grams of zero-zero flour all at once and six grams of saturated pastry yeast. I added a small portion of pastry yeast to the buttermilk to give it a softness. It continues with the tart even after it is cooked. Mix the cream to achieve a soft and non-sticky composition. I cover the blunt with contact film. I’ll let it rest in the fridge, in the meantime I’ll devote myself to the cream. In a pot Mixing thirty grams of corn starch but flour or rice starch is also fine together with one hundred and fifty grams of ground sugar. Then I add two yolks and a whole egg. Mix until I create a smooth, lump-free compound and then add the flavors. In this case, I used a teaspoon of vanilla extract, the peels of a whole lemon and set aside the juice that we will use later. Then I add four hundred grams of milk, mix and bring everything to the fire. Low flame and mix so you don’t stick the cream to the bottom. Bubble up the heat. I remove the lemon peels and continue to mix vigorously until I achieve a smooth, lump-free compound. I let the cream cool in a pot with contact film in the fridge to avoid crostycin on the surface after the specified time. Pulling the frolla out of the fridge. I work with my hands so that I can make it elastic and simpler, then to stretch the layer up to a thickness of about three millimeters and lining a tart mold with a diameter, a clever mold, a mold consisting of two pieces, i.e. the base and the edge so that It will be easier to unpack the tart from its inside. Then I mix two hundred grams of vaccinated ricotta together with eighty grams of granulated sugar. I take the cold cream out of the fridge and combine the ricotta compound with the custard. Mix well and add juice of a whole lemon. For a lemon cream with a delicate taste, remember to add the peels when cooking and then only when the cream is lemon juice. Towards the cream in the cake pan level. With the frolla dough that we had left before, I create little strips that are placed on surfaces approximately two to three centimeters apart from each other so that I can create a grill and remember the original one. Brush with eggs and baked at one hundred and eighty degrees. Static oven preheated for about forty five minutes. Once cooled powder on the surface with plenty of powdered sugar and it’s ready. This is my own version of babbler's tart. Well what are you waiting for at PasterChef zero eighty-one is all. Ah enjoy your meal eh.
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