Casette x uccellini

76 Pins
Moss on the Roof ... 17/365
Moss on the Roof ... 17/365 | Flickr – Condivisione di foto!
DIY Bird Feeder Plans (Homemade Log Birdfeeder) - Free Printables, Monograms, Design Tools, Patterns, & DIY Projects
Learn how to make this hanging log bird feeder from a natural log or fallen tree. This homemade DIY bird feeder will attract chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, house finches, goldfinches, and bluebirds to your yard or garden. #birdhouseideas
Log Cabin Bird House
Log Cabin Bird House -- Made with Italian Cypress. (By Bowen Birdhouses)
Çakma Kuşun Doğal Kuşevi... :))
BANUCA BİRŞEYLER: Çakma Kuşun Doğal Kuşevi... :))
Thomas Dupaigne - Photographe - Pour un voyage poétique dans l'univers du jardin
Jardin d'Edith Mc Leod / Thomas Dupaigne / green home