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Spiritual Inspiration
But if we walk in the Light as He is in the Light we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his sone cleanses us from ALL sin!! 1 John 1:7 domain is for sale | Buy with
God, I trust you with all of my heart. Wherever you want me to go, I will go. Even if it's not where I planned, lead me and I will follow!
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Reviving an Abandoned Dream. If God asks that you bend, bend and do not complain. He is making you more flexible, and for this be thankful. ☆"Son, listen to me. Do what I say, and you will live a long time. I am teaching you about wisdom and guiding you on the right path. As you walk on it, you will not step into a trap. Even if you run, you will not trip and fall. Always remember this teaching. Don’t forget it. It is the key to life, so guard it well." - Proverbs 4:10-13 ERV ...
Love God Greatly Blog
As servants of God, we are called to a different standard. We are called to embrace God’s sovereignty even in less than ideal circumstances. To become light in a world that desperately needs to see Jesus. To lay down our lives, so that our Savior’s name might be lifted high.
Christy Gabriel's Page
Night prayer with kids. Heavenly Father, into Your Love, I place my life!
Beautiful beautiful St Augustine - Pray for us! Site-Wide Activity |
home woes & bible verse {printables}
Fresh Picked: home buying/selling woes & bible verse {printables}