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17 Beautifully Untranslatable Hindi Words You Should Add To Your Vocabulary Right Now
17 Beautifully Untranslatable Hindi Words You Should Add To Your Vocabulary…
Eleven Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures, By Ella Frances Sanders | DailyGood
Eleven Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures, by Ella Frances Sanders
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I wanted drugs,especially greedy weed, to bring this state of awareness upon me... in fact and instead, a permanent funk, like a smog inversion miasma, mismatched my baby core with a loveless stench of pufferclouds, not a healing to be found in that foggy diversion...only in this movement of we the recoverers did I find haha and aha,y'know?
Whiffle |ˈ(h)wifəl| mid 16th century origin frequentative (verb), diminutive (noun) of whiff . . #beautifulwords #wordoftheday #whiffle #soft #sound #breathing #breathe #wind #gentle #breeze #whiff #spring
5 Japanese Words for Those Feelings You've Never Been Able to Explain
Japanese Words for Those Feelings You’ve Never Been Able to Explain
Digital Nomad Family Book
What a depressing word
Unusual Travel Words with Beautiful Meanings (+ IG Photos)
Unusual travel words with beautiful meanings | Looking for some travel inspiration? Check out these beautiful words from different languages that sum up emotions in traveling perfectly