
43 Pins
Прихватки без швейной машины - МК / Potholders tutorial
Блог о рукоделии, вышивке крестиком и гладью, шитье, пэчворке...
Hexie Potholders Are Quick and Easy - Quilting Digest
Quilting A Strip-Quilted Potholder - A Tutorial - Lois & Clark Connection
Summer is in full swing and I have been enjoying the warmer weather and doing some quilting projects when I have small chunks of time. All year round I have quilting projects on the go. I find that quilting is a therapeutic activity. I like small projects on days when I just have a small … Read more...
Aunt Betty's Strip Pieced Potholder
Free easy sewing patterns have never been this colorful or fun to work with. Create your own version of Aunt Betty's Strip Pieced Potholders using fabric and rick rack. This piece will look great in a kitchen or hung on a hook.