Great Gorgeous Girls

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Elettra Wiedemann, NYC socialite wears LaDoubleJ
Read on Elettra Wiedemann, who after many years in the fashion industry, turned to farming, more in the website linked below.
Elettra Wiedemann seen wearing LaDoubleJ
From fashion to farming, Elettra Wiedemann reveals the reasons why she swayed away from the notoriously cut-throat nature of the fashion industry to one surrounded by animals in article linked below.
Socialite Elettra Wiedemann shares the ins and outs of her career
Ex-model and fashion mogul Elettra Wiedemann, here pictured wearing LaDoubleJ reveals the ups and downs of her career in newest article linked below.
Read about Elettra Wiedemann
From fashion to farming, ex-model Elettra Wiedemann, here pictured wearing LaDoubleJ shares the ins and outs of her career in newest article linked below.
From fashion to farming, Elettra Wiedemann shares her story
Having gone from modeling to farming, daughter of the iconic Isabella Rossellini shares the ins and outs of her career that took a turn in newest article linked below.
Elettra Wiedemann, daughter of Isabella Rossellini wears LaDoubleJ
Check out our article on Elettra Wiedemann, here pictured wearing a Swing dress from LaDoubleJ shares details on her career from modelling to managing the farm mother Isabella Rossellini developed in NYC. Website linked below.
Elettra Wiedemann, fashion and foodie mogul
Read our newest article on Elettra Wiedemann, here pictured wearing LaDoubleJ, daughter of the iconic Isabella Rossellini who went from modeling to managing the farm her mother started, Mama Farm in NYC, and much more, in the website linked below.
Elettra Wiedemann, the model-turned-farmer shares her passion for food and animals
Check out the link below to read about Elettra Wiedemann, the daughter of the iconic Isabella Rossellini whose career sways from fashion to food to farming and much more.
Interior Designer Laura Gonzalez on her career in newest article
Discover all things print, maximalism and joy in Interior Designer Laura Gonzalez' work in newest article linked below.
Interior Designer Laura Gonzalez details her career in newest article.
Check out the website linked below to get insights on Laura Gonzalez, a European interior designer, whose success exceeds expectation and creative boundaries.
Interior Deisgner Laura Gonzalez shares her career in newest article.
Check out the link below to read on Laura Gonzalez' successful career in interior design, the way her different roots impact her creativity and her love for LaDoubleJ.
Meet Interior Designer Laura Gonzalez
Explore Laura Gonzalez' work as an interior designer, a lover of prints and all things maximalsim in webiste linked below.
J.J. Martin and Laura Gonzalez for LaDoubleJ
Check out our newest article on Interior Designer Laura Gonzalez as she details her successful career, love for hosting and LaDoubleJ, in the website linked below.
Interior Designer Laura Gonzalez details her career in LaDoubleJ article.
Check out our newest article on Interior Designer Laura Gonzalez, here pictured wearing a LaDoubleJ Kaftan.