Social Media Quotes

Social media quotes and tips that will inspire you to be more productive for your business.
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Kim Garst
You can always snap a shot of the go with your phone! Share what's happening in your world with your tribe! #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Don't be emotionally attached to the outcome, instead focus on the impact you are after. - Kim Garst #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Some things just can't be measured. If you want a tangible return on the time you invest on social media, then invest in creating genuine connections through mindful engagement, intentional interactions, and value-based guidance. #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Don't use Social Media to impress. Instead, use it to make an impact! #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Stop guessing and start asking! #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Social Media Do's 😉 #SMTips
Kim Garst
Be WORTH following! #JustSayin' #SMTips #KimGarst #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Social media is meant to be SOCIAL. Stop selling and start engaging! #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
I can not say this enough, y'all! 😉
Kim Garst
Fill-in-the-blanks are a great way to get your peeps to engage with you and your content. Leverage people's natural inclination to respond and interact. #SocialMediaTips #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Yaasss... unlike traditional marketing, social media levels the playing field. When you're on the same stage as the big dogs, you don't have to outspend your competition to win. #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Do you T-H-I-N-K before you post? Here's one way to "think" about it: T = Is it true? H = Is it helpful? I = Is it inspiring? N = Is it necessary? K = Is it kind? #ThinkBeforeYouPost #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Use FILL IN THE ______________________ posts as a way to get more engagement! #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Have a meaningful conversation with your potential customers! #KimGarst #SocialMedia
Kim Garst
Social Media Challenge: I challenge you to post a behind the scenes picture of your business today! #KimGarst #SMTips #SocialMedia