We are Poker Power

Meet the Poker Power team, our Instructors and Community. Join us on the Poker Power App —to play, learn, and celebrate the benefits of playing poker and taking a seat at the table.
57 Pins
the*gamehers Awards
We are very excited for this year's the*gamehers Awards. Our President, Erin Lydon, was nominated for Diversity Advocate of the Year! Here's where you can submit your vote and meet the other nominees across all of their categories: https://thegamehers.com/awards-2024 (Voting ends Feb. 4th)
The group that puts the power in Poker Power 💥 Grateful for our instructors and a new year to share their skills, wisdoms, and lessons.
2023 in review = 365 days of turning poker skills into life skills...
An end of year holiday message from our President, Erin Lydon. Add a rebrand, app relaunch, & Poker Power shop launch and that’s just the icing on the cake. This year was the year we shared Poker Power with the world. We traveled, we taught, and we always brought our best to the table. We end this year grateful to our partners, instructors, and students who make this road to 1M women playing life differently a reality. Cheers!
The Heart of Poker Podcast
The newest episode of The Heart of Poker with our Powerhouse President Erin Lydon is out! A fab interview on where poker is now & where it's going, PLUS we get to know more about what drives Erin to success. Listen now: https://karascott.podbean.com/e/erin-lydon-on-empowering-women-being-a-workaholic-embracing-failure-ep-51/
Repost from one of our fabulous instructors, @lisapickell, with the reminder: YOU DESERVE TO BE CELEBRATED! "Here’s to the AMAZING Female Founders & Funders that I’ve met this past year. You inspire me. Always celebrate your wins. You worked hard for them. You’re not bragging or being boastful. You’re helping others realize that it’s possible." CHEERS. 🎉
How Playing Poker Is Good For Women | On equal pay, Erin says,
“Do you want to get better at negotiating? Play poker. Do you want to get better at risk-taking? Play poker. Do you want to have a new framework for problem-solving and decision-making? Play poker. All of these things are so critical for being able to advocate for yourself, + to define your position in your workplace and relationships.” Diving into the ways playing poker helps women build skills to feel powerful in the workforce, build their confidence, + get comfortable with taking risks.
“We’re here to get woman an equal seat the table.”
We believe that can start at the poker table. ICYMI: @Erin.Lydon376 joined @power_to_our_women on their latest episode in their EmpowerHERSeries. Find the youtube link in their bio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1WhKZrR81U
Oh the places our Poker Power instructors will go!
Last week: Indiana + This week: WPT Ladies Event in Las Vegas = Always an adventure! #PokerPower
Shop Poker Power's Shop
Only a couple more days to shop with code 15OFF50 to get 15% off your order of $50 or more AND get your gifts in time for the holidays. Happy Shopping! 🎁
Gratitude post & a message from our President: “These successes are only made possible because of our extraordinary instructors who teach virtually, in our Poker Power Play app and on site with our corporate partners. On behalf of our entire team, I want to recognize and thank them for their efforts to bring the power of poker to women+ everywhere.” #PokerPower made possible by our instructors.♥
Power To Our Women Presents:
EmpowHER Edition with Erin Lydon (tomorrow AM!)
Erin Lydon translating gameplay moves into power moves in the workplace. "It’s ok to not respond immediately or have all the answers! What’s important is you take the time to gather what you need to find the right answer. Also…don’t forget to breathe 🧘‍♀️ that is also important." @thegamehers #pinkpixels #advice #justbreathe #pokerpower #gamehers
We love firsts over here at Poker Power!
And last week Abby Merk (@abbypoker) became the FIRST woman to win the Irv Feldman Charity Poker tournament, winning a ticket to the @WSOP main event!! #letsgoabby #pokerpower #womeninpoker