
216 Pins
HAPPY HALLOWEEN~~★anime art. . .witch girl. . .halloween costume. . .trick or treat. . .pumpkin. . .jack o lantern. . .candy. . .witch hat. . .long hair. . .silver hair. . .braids. . .pleated skirt. . .cute. . .kawaii
This is me on Saturdays! Listening to music ((mostly Rock or Dubstep!)) on the couch ((or on my room)), eating pocky. And sometimes I'll be playing a video game as well.
✮ ANIME ART ✮ pretty girl. . .long hair. . .silver hair. . .hair ribbons. . .twin tails. . .autumn leaves. . .nature. . .in the breeze. . .stockings. . .sweater. . .tie. . .cute. . .kawaii
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
✮ ANIME ART ✮ snow. . .trees. . .tree limbs. . .winter clothing. . .scarf. . .smile. . .perspective. . .nature. . .winter. . .cute. . .kawaii
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clafster here | via Tumblr Defiant as she cries. She is in pain but will not stop fighting