Idee: Accessori

Pendel aus Holz -
DIY / Tutorial / how to make a Wooden Pendulum ♥ Another great craft project to…
Double Leather Back Scabbard for Latex Sword, Luxury Version. LARP, SCA, Medieval. - Etsy
Double Holster, Glenbrook. This design, while fading out to the arquebus, is an easy way to hold two short blades, though is difficult if the wearer is not upright. Front line troopers would likely wear these holsters.
Larp Girl
If you just replace the tools with Kitchen utensils you got one heck of of a good kitchen kit!
Double Holder/Scabbard - Brown - Larp Inn
Double Holder/Scabbard - Brown, LARP Inn- For LARP, theatre and film- LARP Inn
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Erisa might have a kit like this for first aid and/or gathering herbs for medicines
Apothecary Kit with Glass Vials, mid-19th century - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
19th Century Apothecary Kit w/ Glass Vials
Norse wood pendants by LuthienSecrets on DeviantArt
Norse wood pendants by LuthienSecrets necklace amulet jewelry cosplay costume LARP LRP equipment gear magic item | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars Shadowrun Call of Cthulhu Lord of the Rings LoTR + d20 fantasy science fiction scifi horror design | Not Trusty Sword art: click artwork for source
Easy DIY Aged Paper - Sweet Anne Designs
DIY Aged Paper - Easy and printable with no ovens or scorching…
Leather Potion Bottle Holder
DIY Leather Potion Bottle Holder: Perhaps of interest to aspiring alchemists or Treecallers?
Heiler-Schärpe fürs LARP
LARP Heiler Schärpe