Idee: Abbigliamento

Mark Cordory
Post Apocalypse wasteland rubber cloak for airsoft - LARP. Fully waterproof with detachable hood. Made by Mark Cordory Creations, enquiries always welcome @
Suchergebnis Auf Für: Nerd Geschenke
Leather bracers 3.0: Gamora by CaptainMorganTeague Guardians of the Galaxy leather rubber gauntlets gloves cosplay costume LARP LRP equipment gear magic item | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars Shadowrun Call of Cthulhu Lord of the Rings LoTR + d20 fantasy science fiction scifi horror design | Not Trusty Sword art: click artwork for source
How to tie a Ring Belt 101 More
Schmuck & Accessoires -
Kostenlose Nähanleitung: Das Star Wars Armband von Rey nähen / free star wars diy: how to sew Rey's leather wrist band via
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How to put on a dhoti, from Cómo se cubrió un cuerpo: Plataforma de discusión e información de la Historia de la Moda
Instructions for Gored Cloak by eqos on DeviantArt
Perhaps you'd prefer to make your own cloak? Here's how. Instructions for Gored Cloak by ~eqos on deviantART
Dress of St. Claire of Assisi. (1194-1253). Posting this one as example of fabric and dress pattern. Curved armholes!!!