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My Favorite Sherwin Williams Paint Colors - Evolution of Style
SO excited to give you all a sneak peek at this kitchen transformation in Mindful Gray. The counters in this kitchen are gorgeous, and were crying out for something that was NOT white. I was happy to oblige! I really think kitchen trends are moving towards non-white cabinets, but light, neutral colors that still give you a bright kitchen at the end of the day. Would you dare to paint your cabinets in a color other than white? If I could start from scratch, I definitely would! #kitchen
Distressed Kitchen Cabinets
Hoping to have the rest of the house done before baby girl comes. If not, at least we have our kitchen to be proud of. #whitekitchencabinets
Pre-assembled, Primed and Ready to Install Door and Wall Moulding Kits
Transform plain interior, exterior and metal flat panel doors quickly & easily with Luxe Architectural® Door Moulding Kits! Made from wood, our patent pending kits arrive assembled, primed, and with our pre-applied adhesive. No Tools required! :) Made in the USA.
Troppo spesso si ha tendenza a gettare vecchi mobili o a riprogettare un ambiente con nuovi materiali senza provare ad immaginare quell'oggetto in legno massiccio o quel muro in mattoni semplicemente ridipinti. Questi 10 progetti vi daranno delle idee per ripensare gli oggetti e gli spazi della vostra casa e lanciarvi in attività di