we love eat and drink!

18 Pins
polpette alle lenticchie e ricotta salata http://www.maky-lab.com love the little serving fork
Egg avocado --slice off top like stuffed tomatoes--so ~80% avocado left for egg to bake in...?? plus scooped out stuff for other meals.
Sformato di couscous al pesto con salsa di taleggio
Sformato di couscous al pesto con salsa di taleggio
Book Club: The Vibrant Table // Peach and Avocado Summer Rolls - Katie at the Kitchen Door
Peach and Avocado Summer Rolls
Peach Prosecco Punch
Peach Prosecco Punch - An incredibly refreshing, bubbly party punch made with Prosecco, peach nectar and fresh berries!
烏骨鶏のたまごかけご飯・釜玉うどんの写真を募集・・ に参加。 | A day in my life - 写真で綴るお気に入りのある毎日 -
Japanese Kamatama Udon, Boiled Udon Noodles with Fresh Raw Egg and Soy Sauce|烏骨鶏の釜玉うどん
Caramelized Onion Pasta Gratin a.k.a. French Onion Soup Macaroni and Cheese
Caramelized Onion Pasta Gratin a.k.a. French Onion Soup Macaroni and Cheese